Lately I have been doing a lot of pixel art. On twitter I follow Pixel Dailies and I have created pixel art on a daily basis. It is super fun and very interesting to see what other kind of art others do for the daily theme.

Here is most of my pixel art for November 2015:

The ultra rare Warpfungus! Let me know if you find any of these! (#fungus)

Adorable #Aladdin (How-to gif)

#Elemental (of fire)

Classic #Bard

The guy from #Bastion

Don’t mess with this frog (#Battletoad)

Grrrr… Who ate my radiated cheeseburger… (#Blight)


Conan the Barbarian (1 bit)

Famous last words: Naah… I don’t need a torch. (#Darkness)

Doctor Eggman Robotnik from #SonicTheHedgehog (38×38 and 8 colors)

Cow at farm. Nothing special here. Better mooove on! (#FarmAnimal)


Some delicious #glass (people from #Sweden will understand)

A #lich summoning a skull (hmm… this could be a great game concept)

Experimenting with pixels and back light (#Mermaid)

Here is something you don’t wanna meet late night walking home alone (#Raccoon)

The pretty much unknown “poke the eyes” combo in #StreetsOfRage


#Tribal masks